Asset Hub is HP's central asset management platform and repository for HP marketers, agencies, and channel partners. Asset Hub drives marketing efficiency and effectiveness by making it easy to access, manage, and share HP's digital marketing assets.
Fill the access request form and once we receive it, we will be working on it.
*HP USERS: Login with your credentials (Unified login)
Do I need further authorization to get access to HP Asset Hub once I registered?
HP employees and HP contractors need no further authorization. HP agencies and Channel partners will have to indicate the name and email address of their HP sponsor on the registration form. The sponsor will have to approve their request for access, without approval or if missing sponsor the access can’t be granted.
What is the role of an “HP sponsor”?
An HP sponsor is a partner’s HP contact who is familiar with the partner’s role, he’s also the campaign owner or the person who hired the agency or the partner.
How long does it take to get access to HP Asset Hub once I registered?
HP user accounts will be activated within one business day, user accounts for HP agencies and Channel Partners should be activated within three business days, depending on their sponsor’s access approval response time.
What default user rights and permissions are assigned to a user upon registration?
New users, HP employees, HP contractors, agencies and channel partners, will be assigned “Reader” rights upon registration, allowing them to search for, download and share assets, as well as creating folders.
What default user rights and permissions are assigned to a user upon registration?
New users, HP employees, HP contractors, agencies and channel partners, will be assigned “Reader” rights upon registration, allowing them to search for, download and share assets, as well as creating folders.
I forgot my login credentials. How do I retrieve my user ID or password? (Channel partners and Agencies)
Log on to HP Asset Hub. On the HP ID login page, click on the “Forgot your username or password?” link beneath the respective input fields and follow the process to renew your credentials.
Will user access expire?
Currently, your user access will not expire, but we are reviewing this policy.
Roles & Permissions
Which are the different types of user roles?
There are three types of HP Asset Hub user roles: Reader (can search, download assets and create folders); Contributor (same as Reader, plus: edit assets) and Editor (same as Contributor, plus: replace or create a new version of a particular asset, edit asset metadata, and move assets to recycle bin).
How do I find out which user rights I have for HP Asset Hub?
Click on the “My Account” menu at the top of the HP Asset Hub page, then go to “My Profile”. Your rights will be listed there.
Do all users have access to pre-released assets?
No, only users who asked for specific permissions can view pre-released assets.
Do Editors have the permissions to recycle an asset?
Editors can send assets to the Recycle bin, but cannot delete them.
Participation in the training is critical to optimize your user experience and effectiveness when you first start using HP Asset Hub or when a new functionality is introduced. Please find training availability, documentation and guides here above.
Stock Photography
Photo shoots
The Brand images and assets team conducts photo shoots on a regular basis. If you have specific photographic needs or would like to request a photo shoot, please contact Randy Stepon. Please be prepared to provide business justification for the need. In addition, any photos acquired from alternative sources must also be reviewed by the Brand Image and Assets team including Carolyn Knecht for stock image license review. Stock imagery may not be posted to the HP repositories. See section on Digital Asset Management.
Stock photography
When your project requires a specific image not found at the Asset Hub image library, there is a limited, centralized stock image process for special requests only. Please consult the Brand Image and Assets team to ensure your stock purchase is brand consistent. We can also help guide adding the color blue in retouching. We will also verify usage rights and guide the image licensing process to ensure legal compliance. A minimum of 1 week for legal review is required. See section on usage rights.
Legal restrictions/ Digital asset management
When negotiating photography usage with a photographer or stock house, bear in mind that this is a contractual agreement and abiding by the licensing restrictions is extremely important. Re-using imagery after the license has expired or in a way not agreed upon may result in liability from both the photographer and any talent shown in the image. Please use the Brand Image and Assets team as a resource to help guide this negotiation. We can also help with asset hosting strategy. Imagery that has a finite license cannot be posted to Asset Hub without restriction. Stock imagery is not to be re-posted to an internal repository. The onus is on the HP employee to ensure that we abide by contractual photography agreements. Please let the Brand Assets team help ensure compliance. All images created by the Brand Image and Assets team have unlimited usage for an unlimited time and can be used for all HP projects without restriction.
What languages does the HP Asset Hub support?
The user interface is currently designed in US English only; however, there are no limitations to the language of the assets available in the HP Asset Hub.
How long is the estimated turn-around time for support requests?
Support requests will be responded to within 24 hours.
Which web browser should be used?
HP Asset Hub is in essence browser agnostic, has been tested, and works on Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Edge.
What happens to enhancement requests?
All enhancement requests are logged and forwarded to the Asset Hub Advanced Support for review.
The initial ticket will be closed after the request has been logged but this does not mean that the enhancement has been deployed nor does it mean that the request is forgotten. All enhancements are reviewed and prioritized. It may therefore take some time before the enhancement is reflected in a system update.
Do I need further authorization to get access to HP Asset Hub once I registered?
Yes, after performing your search, click on Actions, then select all the files that you want to download and click Download. Check the DRM usage rights and restrictions, select the rendition and click the blue Download button. This will generate a ZIP file with all your assets, and you will receive a notification in your inbox once that ZIP file is ready for download. Multiple download is limited to 100 assets or 5 GB. You can make more 100 assets downloads. Also, the single download limit has been set at 5 GB. If you want to download an asset that has more than 5 GB or more than 100 assets at once, you need to open a ticket by clicking on the “Get help” button in Asset Hub.
Do product images have clipping paths and different formats/renditions?
Yes, you can select from a number of formats/renditions before downloading the image.
How do I know which file rendition is the best to download?
This depends for what you want to use the files. Online use, including PowerPoint presentations usually only need low resolution files which are tagged with the word SCREEN. Files that will be printed usually need high resolution, these are tagged with the word PRINT.
Are all assets available in HP Asset Hub brand-compliant?
HP Brand Central and Asset Hub are the official sources for approved brand imagery. If in doubt, seek brand approval.
What are the default usage rights of an asset?
There are no default rights. Each asset has its own usage rights defined by its metadata.
Where do I find more information about usage rights and restrictions of an asset?
The usage rights and restrictions are outlined in the download window and must be acknowledged before downloading the asset.
When downloading a file, do I need to wait for the “loading” wheel to finish spinning before I proceed with the download?
No, you can ignore the spinning wheel and proceed with the download.
Can I download the entire iconography from Asset Hub?
The Iconography team doesn’t hold zip files with the entire icons collection and they discourage you from keeping such collections, as the Iconography folders are updated weekly and your collection will soon be out of date. If you want to know what icons have been added to the folders, click on the Subscribe button inside the folder and you will receive a notification each time the folder is updated. For more information on icons, please review the Iconography section in the HP Brand Central.
The asset I opened doesn’t show any number of views or downloads. Why?
To improve speed, Asset Hub calculates only once per day, at 1 A.M. UTC, how many views and downloads an asset has. When you open the asset, you will see the current number of views and downloads. The number will be updated the next day. If the asset has just been uploaded, then no numbers will appear, and you will be able to see them tomorrow.
Can I download videos for Social Media marketing purposes?
If you want to download a video and put it on a social media, you need to check the Usage Rights field and, if everything is ok, then you can do it. If you want to share an Asset Hub link to any social media, Asset Hub links are not streaming links and any person that wants to see the video has to sign in to Asset Hub.
How can we tell without downloading the image whether it is a .jpeg or a .png?
The only way to do that is to select the File Type filter to .jpeg or .png.
Search & View Assets
How do I search for assets in the HP Asset Hub library?
HP Asset Hub offers various search methods: Keyword search, keyword search with the help of search operators and advanced search based on metadata elements (filters), product association (products), last update date and asset lifecycle status (subject to availability based on your specific permissions). Depending on your search criteria, one or the other method will help you search more effectively. For further information, you can review the Fundamentals Deck.
I cannot find the assets I am searching for. What can I do?
Search with the help of the various search operators or use filters available in Advanced Search to manipulate your search results but if the assets you are looking for can’t be found they may not exist in Asset Hub.
Is there an easy way to limit the search to ONLY product images?
Yes, use the Filters option for advanced search and select the Image – Product only Asset Category filter.
I cannot see the scroll bars for the search results window. What should I do?
Minimize the page view and the scroll bars become visible.
Can I search for assets in my folders?
Yes, HP Asset Hub offers the same search options for assets saved in individual folders as for searching the HP Asset Hub library.
Does capitalization matter for search queries in HP Asset Hub?
No, capitalization does not matter while searching in Asset Hub, only when using operators. AND – OR – NOT should always be capitalized.
What file information is used by the search engine?
All information defined by the metadata of the respective assets.
According to which criteria are the search results displayed?
Per default, the most recently modified assets are listed first.
Can I sort my search results according to specified criteria?
You can sort the search results according to size, last modification date, insertion time (will provide you the latest uploaded assets), most viewed and most downloaded assets. On the left side below the Advanced Search criteria, select the sorting option you wish to apply.
How do I save my search results for later usage?
In the Actions menu click on the Save results in folder button. Here you can create a new folder: to do that define and enter a folder name, select the folder type from the dropdown menu and click OK to save the folder. You also have the option to save the search results to an existing folder. Additionally, you can save your query for later use, just click Actions and Save search, you can find your saved searches under My Assets/ Saved Searches.
Does HP Asset Hub manage video assets and video streaming?
Yes, Asset Hub can manage video assets and video streaming.
Can I find HP logos in Asset Hub?
No, logos are not stored on Asset Hub. HP approved logos are available on the HP Brand Central site.
How do I find iconography in HP Asset Hub?
For quick and easy access to HP Iconography and the HP Experience Photography selection, login to Asset Hub and go to My Assets then to Folders. In the folders section, select Shared and access the HP Iconography folder.
To easily find the HP icons you need, use the free text search field or filter by Keywords in the advanced search functionality.
You can download the icon, or you can download the source files of it, by clicking on the zip file that shows up when you click Download.
What kind of material is there in Asset Hub that is not in HP Sales Central?
In HP Sales Central, there is only product-related material (product images, lifestyle images, product videos, annotated images, some infographics). In Asset Hub, we have additional materials, like campaign material (banners, brochures etc), landing pages, videos not specifically related to a product (or videos that have not yet been published), messaging files & other types of documents. Also, any content is available in HP Sales Central when the product is published – so pre-released content is available only in Asset Hub.
Organize & Share Assets
How do I change the view from thumbnail view to list view?
On the homepage or from a folder click the blue “List view” icon on the right side of the Actions bar, that will change the view and the icon. To go back to the thumbnails view, click on the blue icon again.
What options do I have to organize my assets?
You can organize your assets in folders. One or multiple assets or complete search results can be saved in folders for later use or to share with key stakeholders. HP Asset Hub offers some predefined folders to organize your assets: Personal folders, campaign folders, featured product folders and albums. In addition, Private folders are available to a limited set of users to share unreleased or work in progress assets.
Can I have the same asset in two different folders?
Yes, adding an asset to a folder actually only places a link of that asset in the folder. The physical asset does not duplicate.
How do I share one or multiple assets?
To share an individual asset, you can share the asset link located under the thumbnail when you open the asset. You can also share its ID located at the end of the asset link. To share multiple assets, they need to be organized in folders, then share the folder link. Please review the Fundamentals training deck for more information.
Can I share assets with non-Asset Hub users?
In order to do this, your folder needs to allow anonymous sharing. To enable this, you need to check the settings of your folder. Then, by sharing the folder access link, the respective folder can be accessed and assets can be viewed and/or downloaded by any of your stakeholders.
Can I share pre-released assets?
Yes, with the shared folder function, you can share unreleased assets saved in personal folders and campaign folders with selective stakeholders. However, unreleased assets saved in featured products folders or albums will only show up in the stakeholder’s shared folder if the stakeholder has access permissions to the unreleased assets.
What is the difference between sharing as an owner of a folder vs. sharing with people? What can the owners do that others cannot?
The owner can edit the folder, users cannot. This means an owner can add new assets to the folder, remove assets from the folder, add new users/owners, change folder attributes, and can also share the folder, while a user cannot.
Do folders already exist or need to be created? When I login now I see no folders there.
There are two kinds of folders, personal folders should be created by you. If you don’t see the option to create them, please contact the helpdesk. Albums and shared folders should appear if you go inside the Folders section and click on the Shared folders tab.
Upload Assets
Can any user upload assets?
You must have “Contributor” and/or “Editor” permissions assigned to you in order to be able to upload assets.
Do assets need to be approved before they are uploaded?
If you are uploading assets to HP Asset Hub, you are responsible for any approvals that might be required in order to ensure brand consistency and quality.
Can I upload multiple assets at the same time?
Yes, you can select and upload multiple assets to the staging area Assets in my workspace (found under the Upload menu) at the same time; however, you will have to complete the metadata form for these files before they can be pushed to the HP Asset Hub library.
Is there a limit to the number of videos that an asset owner can upload or file size?
Any file types over 2 GB, need to be completed by the Advanced Support Team. The asset owner will need to submit a case to helpdesk.
Is there a risk of uploading an asset with the same file name as a previously uploaded one?
There is no risk since Asset Hub generates a unique internal ID for each uploaded asset. However, it is advisable that you use different file names to ensure clear asset identification. If you have a new version of an existing asset you can replace the current asset in the Asset Library with the new version.
Do I have to follow naming convention guidelines for campaigns assets to be uploaded?
Naming conventions have been defined and need to be adhered to PPS campaign assets that are uploaded to HP Asset Hub.
Do we need to follow a naming convention for an asset that is not campaign related?
For all non-campaign assets, groups need to follow their own naming conventions.
Will preview thumbnails be automatically generated for all assets upon upload?
HP Asset Hub automatically generates preview thumbnails for PDF, Word, PowerPoint, image and video files. All other asset types will show a generic thumbnail. This can be replaced by adding a thumbnail image file; for archive files (.zip) uploading an asset-specific thumbnail is a mandatory requirement.
Who is responsible for the quality and compliance of an asset?
The user that is uploading the asset needs to make sure they have provided high-quality, error free and compliant assets.
Are there file format or size restrictions for assets to upload?
There are no particular file format or size restrictions. However, in order to upload files over 2 gigs, you will need to submit a ticket to helpdesk.
If there is overlap with the asset category, can multiple categories be selected for one asset?
No, only one category can be selected.
How do I know whether my assets have been submitted from “Assets in my workspace” to the main HP Asset Hub library?
Assets in “Assets in my workspace” that have been submitted show an hourglass in the bottom right corner. This lets you know that the asset is being transferred to the main HP Asset Hub library and will disappear from the “Assets in my workspace” if the transfer is successful. If you see a warning triangle in the bottom right corner or the hourglass has been for more than one day, the upload to the main library has failed. Please contact Asset Hub helpdesk to re-process your assets.
What is metadata?
Metadata is information about the file, and its content, that is stored with the file in Asset Hub. Without metadata, finding the files you need in Asset Hub would be impossible. By adding complete and accurate metadata – such as a unique title, description and keywords – you’re not only ensuring you can find the files, you’re also ensuring they can be easily found by others – making them an asset for all users.
How do I add metadata to an asset?
Click on the asset that is pre-staged in Assets in my workspace and complete the metadata form.
Are there any guidelines for completing the metadata?
Compulsory metadata fields are marked accordingly and must be completed, without which the asset cannot be uploaded. The more complete the metadata is for an asset, the more effective is its search and usage. If you need help with the metadata, please review the Upload and metadata best practices deck.
What happens if I upload an asset with the same file name and type that is already available?
Upon upload, each asset will be given a unique asset ID that differentiates the asset from any previously uploaded asset even if the file name and asset type are identical. However, it is advisable that you use different file names to ensure clear asset identification. If you have a new version of an existing asset you can replace the current asset in the Asset Library with the new version.
Can I enter metadata for multiple assets at the same time?
Yes, you can do this by selecting multiple files in My workspace area and clicking on Edit metadata and filling out the metadata fields that are common to all assets selected. As metadata requirements are driven by the asset category, assets edited using this method should have the same asset category. Metadata that is unique to each asset will need to be completed individually.
Does metadata need to be localized for localized/translated assets?
No, use the language and country designations selectable in the metadata for any localized asset.
Who has the ability to update metadata?
Anyone who has upload permissions does also have the right to update metadata, but only for the assets that they upload.
Will all uploaded assets become visible to all users?
Assets pre-staged in the Assets in my workspace area are only visible to the respective user upon upload. They become available in the Asset Library after the metadata form has been completed and the release date set in the form has been reached. Their availability to all users is subject to each user’s individual permissions.
Do assets expire after an amount of time?
Assets expire based on the Obsolete date or Rights expiration date defined in the metadata.
How do I restrict pre-released assets from general availability?
On the metadata form, you can manually set up restrictions by directly entering the Release date.
Do all users have access to pre-released assets?
No, only users with special permissions will have access.
Do I have to manually modify the pre-released asset’s metadata once the release date has passed?
No, HP Asset Hub will automatically move unreleased assets to released assets upon the release date defined in the metadata, making the assets available for all users.
I can’t find assets that I previously uploaded. What can I do?
These files were possibly uploaded during a period of instability in the system. Please contact the helpdesk to investigate the issue.
I see an exclamation (!) icon and a transfer error after attempting to submit from workspace, what should I do?
The asset failed to transfer due to an issue within the Asset Hub database. You need to re-edit the metadata again and resubmit the asset. Please ensure that the system health light is green when you do this. If the asset is not correctly submitted, please contact the helpdesk.
What is the difference between posting videos in Media Solutions vs HP Asset Hub?
The Media Solutions platform hosts internal and external videos, and charges a fee for uploading them to their servers. Their videos can be password protected and they have more restrictions that can be applied. You can also track who viewed the videos. However, this is only a storage, streaming service and you cannot use it as a repository. Asset Hub holds public videos only, there’s no fee. It acts as a repository for all your assets.
Why is the target country field important? Are there assets that cannot be used in some countries?
Yes. Target countries are meant to show regional availability, and to ensure correct asset distribution of the downstream systems (such as CAP, Sales Central, and other publishers).
What assets can be published to downstream systems (CAP/Sales Central/other publishers) from Asset Hub?
Assets must meet all the following requirements to be distributed to downstream channels:
The asset category must be one of the following: Video – Product Overview, Video – Corporate, Multimedia – Interactive demo, Image – Product in Use, Image – Annotated or Multimedia – Infographic
Asset disclosure level must be Public
The assets must be associated to at least one hierarchy node through the Product Association field.
The field “Publish Asset” must be set to “TRUE”.
How can I associate an asset to products?
You can do this by using the Product Association field in the metadata form. The field is connected to Product Master (HP’s source of record for product hierarchy) and you can select only nodes that have been created in Product Master
Why is product association important?
Accurately tagging your assets to products accomplishes 2 goals: your assets will be easy to find in Asset Hub through the Products option in advanced search and, provided that they meet all publication criteria, they will be distributed through CAP to Sales Central and other downstream partners.
For a specific country, who is leading the process of choosing the Image (Person or Portrait) concepts and images to upload to Asset Hub? How could we create and upload new images?
The images are requested by the HP contact to the respective agency they work with; all images go through the legal department for approval. You can check in the metadata of the HP Owner field and get in touch with him/her for more details.
Need help or support with anything regarding Asset Hub?