Asset Hub Resource Center

The resource center contains the most up to date information to help you through your Asset Hub journey.

Fundamentals Deck

Check out the basic things to know before accessing the tool

Upload Deck

Get to know how to upload assets directly in HP Asset hub. Click here to learn more about the ABU process

Training Recordings

Click here for HP Users or here for agencies & channel partners

How to get started

About HP Asset Hub

Asset Hub is HP's central asset management platform and repository for HP marketers, agencies, and channel partners. Asset Hub drives marketing efficiency and effectiveness by making it easy to access, manage, and share HP's digital marketing assets.

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Roles & Permissions

Which are the different types of user roles?

There are three types of HP Asset Hub user roles: Reader (can search, download assets and create folders); Contributor (same as Reader, plus: edit assets) and Editor (same as Contributor, plus: replace or create a new version of a particular asset, edit asset metadata, and move assets to recycle bin).

How do I find out which user rights I have for HP Asset Hub?

Click on the “My Account” menu at the top of the HP Asset Hub page, then go to “My Profile”. Your rights will be listed there.

Do all users have access to pre-released assets?

No, only users who asked for specific permissions can view pre-released assets.

Do Editors have the permissions to recycle an asset?

Editors can send assets to the Recycle bin, but cannot delete them.

How can I upgrade/correct my roles/permissions?

Submit a ticket to helpdesk.


Stock Photography



Download Assets

Search & View Assets

How do I search for assets in the HP Asset Hub library?

HP Asset Hub offers various search methods: Keyword search, keyword search with the help of search operators and advanced search based on metadata elements (filters), product association (products), last update date and asset lifecycle status (subject to availability based on your specific permissions). Depending on your search criteria, one or the other method will help you search more effectively. For further information, you can review the Fundamentals Deck.

I cannot find the assets I am searching for. What can I do?

Search with the help of the various search operators or use filters available in Advanced Search to manipulate your search results but if the assets you are looking for can’t be found they may not exist in Asset Hub.

Is there an easy way to limit the search to ONLY product images?

Yes, use the Filters option for advanced search and select the Image – Product only Asset Category filter.

I cannot see the scroll bars for the search results window. What should I do?

Minimize the page view and the scroll bars become visible.

Can I search for assets in my folders?

Yes, HP Asset Hub offers the same search options for assets saved in individual folders as for searching the HP Asset Hub library.

Does capitalization matter for search queries in HP Asset Hub?

No, capitalization does not matter while searching in Asset Hub, only when using operators. AND – OR – NOT should always be capitalized.

What file information is used by the search engine?

All information defined by the metadata of the respective assets.

According to which criteria are the search results displayed?

Per default, the most recently modified assets are listed first.

Can I sort my search results according to specified criteria?

You can sort the search results according to size, last modification date, insertion time (will provide you the latest uploaded assets), most viewed and most downloaded assets. On the left side below the Advanced Search criteria, select the sorting option you wish to apply.

How do I save my search results for later usage?

In the Actions menu click on the Save results in folder button. Here you can create a new folder: to do that define and enter a folder name, select the folder type from the dropdown menu and click OK to save the folder. You also have the option to save the search results to an existing folder. Additionally, you can save your query for later use, just click Actions and Save search, you can find your saved searches under My Assets/ Saved Searches.

Does HP Asset Hub manage video assets and video streaming?

Yes, Asset Hub can manage video assets and video streaming.

Can I find HP logos in Asset Hub?

No, logos are not stored on Asset Hub. HP approved logos are available on the HP Brand Central site.

How do I find iconography in HP Asset Hub?

For quick and easy access to HP Iconography and the HP Experience Photography selection, login to Asset Hub and go to My Assets then to Folders. In the folders section, select Shared and access the HP Iconography folder.

To easily find the HP icons you need, use the free text search field or filter by Keywords in the advanced search functionality.

You can download the icon, or you can download the source files of it, by clicking on the zip file that shows up when you click Download.

What kind of material is there in Asset Hub that is not in HP Sales Central?

In HP Sales Central, there is only product-related material (product images, lifestyle images, product videos, annotated images, some infographics). In Asset Hub, we have additional materials, like campaign material (banners, brochures etc), landing pages, videos not specifically related to a product (or videos that have not yet been published), messaging files & other types of documents. Also, any content is available in HP Sales Central when the product is published – so pre-released content is available only in Asset Hub.

Organize & Share Assets

Upload Assets

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